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Honey bee queens vaccinate the young bees naturally
Why Vaccinate Your Honeybees?
Amy Franklin, MS, DVM
Contagious honey bee diseases can cause significant economic harm to the honey bee industry and devastate honey bee populations. For bacterial diseases, the use of antibiotics can result in bacterial resistance and negatively impact overall hive health. Vaccination can be a promising alternative to protect honey bee colonies and the food supply chain. Read the Article
A Commercial Perspective: February
American Bee Journal
In the February 2025 edition of American Bee Journal, commercial beekeeper Charles Linder shares his perspective on the critical role of innovation in the beekeeping industry, giving special recognition to Dalan’s vaccine. Read the Article
A Vaccine for Deformed Wing Virus?
American Bee Journal
A new vaccine for AFB may have wider benefits.
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Control of Deformed Wing Virus-B in a Commercial Apiary Following Queen Vaccination with an Experimental Paenibacillus larvae Bacterin
Dalan Animal Health
Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) is a viral disease present in the majority of honey bee colonies worldwide. There is no available treatment or preventative for DWV, therefore management of the disease is limited to indirect mite control. In a 400-hive placebo-controlled field study, we demonstrated that colonies with queens vaccinated using an experimental Paenibacillus larvae bacterin have significantly reduced DWV-B loads compared to colonies with unvaccinated queens Download Whitepaper
The oral vaccination with Paenibacillus larvae bacterin can decrease susceptibility to American Foulbrood infection in honey bees—A safety and efficacy study
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Pollination services to increase crop production are becoming more and more important, as we are facing both climate change and a growing world population. Both are predicted to impact food security worldwide. High-density, commercial beekeeping has become a key link in the food supply chain, and diseases have become a central issue in hive losses…
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Learn more about Dalan’s Paenibacillus Larvae Bacterin vaccine
Transgenerational Immune Priming
Dalan Animal Health
How insects pass immunity to their offspring.
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Immune pathways and defence mechanisms in honey bees Apis mellifera
Insect Molecular Biology
Social insects are able to mount both group-level and individual defences against pathogens. Here we focus on individual defences, by presenting a genome-wide analysis of immunity in a social insect, the honey bee Apis mellifera…
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The maternal transfer of bacteria can mediate trans-generational immune priming in insects
Parents invest in their offspring by preparing them for defense against pathogens and parasites that only the parents have encountered, a phenomenon known as trans-generational immune priming. We investigated the underlying mechanism using the established lepidopteran model host Galleria mellonella…
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Transfer of Immunity from Mother to Offspring Is Mediated via Egg-Yolk Protein Vitellogenin
PLOS Pathogens
Insect immune systems can recognize specific pathogens and prime offspring immunity. High specificity of immune priming can be achieved when insect females transfer immune elicitors into developing oocytes….
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The role of Vitellogenin in the transfer of immune elicitors from gut to hypopharyngeal glands in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Journal of Insect Physiology
Female insects that survive a pathogen attack can produce more pathogen-resistant offspring in a process called trans-generational immune priming. In the honey bee (Apis mellifera), the egg-yolk precursor protein Vitellogenin transports fragments of pathogen cells into the egg, thereby setting the stage for a recruitment of immunological defenses prior to hatching….
Read more at the Journal of Insect Physiology